By the time I came across to know this cell phone I though that the Nokia Vertu and Nokia Goldvish were the most expensive mobiles phones in the world, but this one makes me think that I am wrong, it worths 1.3 million US Dollar. 1.3 million dollar for this phone is just because of the look of the phone. This most expensive phone has been made by a Russian, and have been embedded with several diamonds on its left and right border. There are diamonds even on the keypad of the phone. Total diamonds embedded are 50. Each one is a blue diamond of 0.5 - 2 carat. The phone is completely made from platinum with logo and buttons made out of gold. The phone has been introduced in the market by the company Ancort. The specification of the phone is mentioned below:-
Phone Specifications of world's most expensive cell phone:
* Network: GSM 900/1800
* Dimensions: 115§ç53§ç24 mm
* Processor: Motorola MX21 (266 MHz)
* OS: Windows CE
* Memory: 64 §®B (Flash)/64 §®B (RAM)
* Display: 2.2¡í 262K TFT screen
* Standby Time: 100 Hours
* Talk Time: 2 hours
* Music Player
Encryption Specifications of world's most expensive mobile:
* Encryption Processor: TMS 320 VC 5416
* Crypto Phone call
* Crypto SMS
* Crypto E-mail
* Dedicated encryption button